Docteur Petiot 1990

Biography Crime Drama

Based on the real life of Dr. Marcel Petiot: During world war II Petiot, an MD living in occupied Paris, promised to help wealthy Jewish people among his patients to flee occupied France ...

Tutti i titoli
  • FR: Docteur Petiot Docteur Petiot
  • AR: El extraño caso del Doctor Petiot El extraño caso del Doctor Petiot
  • CA: Docteur Petiot Docteur Petiot
  • PL: Doktor Petiot Doktor Petiot
  • PT: O estranho Dr. Petiot O estranho Dr. Petiot
  • ES: Doctor Petiot Doctor Petiot
  • TR: Doktor Petiot Doktor Petiot
  • FR: Dr. Petiot Dr. Petiot
  • FR: Dr. Petiot Dr. Petiot
Data di rilascio 19 Sep 1990
Link IMDb
