O Rebelde 1980

A retired cop is visited by his former partner who wants him to be a bodyguard for established clientele. At first declining the offer, Nick quickly accepts and joins his friend for the job of protecting a visiting German banker who gets assassinated.

Tutti i titoli
  • IT: Poliziotto solitudine e rabbia Poliziotto solitudine e rabbia
  • IT: Poliziotto va e uccidi Poliziotto va e uccidi
  • IT: Poliziotto solitudine e rabbia Poliziotto solitudine e rabbia
  • JP: アウトロー・コップ アウトロー・コップ
  • DE: Ein Killer jagt seinen Mörder Ein Killer jagt seinen Mörder
  • DE: Knallharte Profis Knallharte Profis
  • DE: Der Mann, der Venedig hieß Der Mann, der Venedig hieß
  • DE: Der Rebell Der Rebell
  • IT: The Rebel The Rebel
Data di rilascio 22 Aug 1980
Link IMDb
