Suspeitos de um Crime 1995

Drama Mystery

Two part movie that follows attorney Christopher Paget and his assistant Teri Peralta. The first part has Paget being asked by his former lover and mother of his son to defend her when she is charged with murder despite being awar...

Tutti i titoli
  • CA: Degree of Guilt Degree of Guilt
  • FI: Kohtalon kosketus: Kunnian ja omantunnon kautta Kohtalon kosketus: Kunnian ja omantunnon kautta
  • FR: Au bénéfice du doute Au bénéfice du doute
  • FR: Présomption de culpabilité Présomption de culpabilité
  • DE: Unter der Last der Beweise Unter der Last der Beweise
  • PT: Grau de Culpa Grau de Culpa
  • ES: Grado de culpabilidad Grado de culpabilidad
  • SE: Anklagad Anklagad
Data di rilascio 29 Oct 1995
Link IMDb
